Sumy State University is a powerful university of Sumy region in Ukraine, having accreditation level IV.
About 16,000 people study at the university in various forms of education (educational qualification levels and educational degrees of an associate specialist, bachelor, specialist and master) in 46 specialties of 22 branches of knowledge. About 1300 foreign students from almost 50 countries of the world are receiving education.
Now it consists of six institutes (medical institute of Sumy State University, Shostka and Konotop Institutes of Sumy State University, Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Educational and Scientific Institute of Finance,Oleg Balatsky Institute of Economics and Management, and Educational and Research Institute "UABS"), 9 faculties ( Foreign Philology and Social Communications, Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education, Medical University of Sumy State University, partments under the Ohr ha-quality teaching and pedagogical innovation at two faculties in Shostka and Konotop Institute), two centers (part-time, distance and evening forms of training, and post-graduate education), two departments (international education and pre-university training)
The education is provided by about three thousand teachers, scientists, employees, including 120 doctors of sciences, professors, 650 candidates of sciences and associate professors in 57 departments. There are postgraduate studies in 21 specialties, doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, residency, internships, specialized councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
Sumy State University has the highest indicator in the number of prizes in the All-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works, and in the number of prizes in the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in educational disciplines, areas of training, and specialties is among the leaders among Ukrainian universities.
Sumy State University has a developed high-tech library information system, which combines 52 libraries of the university’s complex structure. The university library is named "Library of the Year" in the All-Ukrainian competition. According to the results of "Ranking Web of Repositories" from Webometrics, the Sumy State University repository takes the first position in Ukraine.
The practice of state distribution of graduates studying in budget places has been preserved. At the end of the university, 95% of graduates studying in budget places are distributed for work; graduates who studied on a contract basis are distributed at will. The university has contacts with 800 enterprises of Ukraine, including 360 in the Sumy region, where graduates distributed.
SSU is an educational, scientific and cultural center of the region. Teachers and students are actively involved in local history work, reviving the traditions of the Ukrainian people, expanding the scope of the Ukrainian language. The university publishes a collection of scientific papers “Bulletin of Sumy State University” (six episodes), the popular science collection “Sumy Starina”, the fundamental encyclopedic reference book “Sumy”, prepared for publication, and the university annually holds dozens of cultural and educational events among young people and the region’s population.
The organization of leisure activities for students, teachers and employees of the university is carried out by the student club, which prepares and holds mass holidays, thematic events, concerts, discos, various festivals and contests: "Initiation for Students", "Golden Integral", "Valentine's Day", "Humorina "like that.
University students have the opportunity to develop and improve their creative abilities in 16 art circles and interest clubs. Vocal, instrumental, jazz ensembles, rock groups, dance groups, drama groups, a theater of variety miniatures, a folklore ensemble, a literary and creative workshop and others.
The team of the “Cheerful and resourceful” club, which won the right to play in the major league, are laureates and winners of numerous prestigious KVN festivals and tournaments both in Ukraine and abroad. 36 kinds of sports are developing, about 100 sports sections are working, major league sports teams, about 100 students are champions and winners of the Olympic Games, World Championships, Europe, Ukraine.
Educational and research institutes of Sumy State University:
- Konotop Institute of Sumy State University.
- Shostka Institute of Sumy State University.
- Medical Institute of Sumy State University.
- UNI of Finance, Economics and Management named after Oleg Balatsky.
- UNI of business technologies "UABS".
- UNI right.
Faculties of Sumy State University:
- Foreign philology and Social Communications (IFSK)
- Technical Systems and Energy-Efficient Technologies (TeSET)
- Electronics and Information Technology (ELIT)
- Postgraduate Medical Education
- Continuing Education and Pedagogical Innovation
- 2 Faculties at the Shostka and Konotop Institutes.